Manhattan Schoolhouse is committed to the health and well-being of our students, families and staff. We have created and are continually updating rigorous Covid-19 safety protocols and procedures that follow and expand on Centers for Disease Control (CDC), NYC Health Department and NYC Department of Education recommended preventative measures described below:
Enhanced Operating Protocols:
- Nonessential visitors are not permitted in the center
- Drop-offs/pick-ups are staggered and restricted to outside the centers with social distancing
- No strollers storage allowed in the center
- Class sizes according to DOH Covid recommendations
- Consistent student groupings in all classrooms
- At this time, programs across all sites close at 5:30 pm. The return to normal operating hours will be evaluated accordingly. Drop off and pick up times have been determined to ensure the health and safety of all families and staff.
Enhanced Health and Hygiene Protocols:
- Encouraging families to have their child get tested for Covid-19, with a negative result, before entering the program
- Requiring new teachers to get tested for Covid-19, with a negative result, before starting the program
- Families are required to complete an online Covid-19 health questionnaire before arrival to the center.
- Daily temperature and health check conducted on arrival and mid-day for students and staff
- Health check includes checking symptoms of cough, sore throat, muscle aches, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell, and of any international or domestic travel to high risk areas as mandated by the city and state.
- Social distancing is practiced throughout all common areas
- All staff wear face double masks/coverings and gloves
- All staff change into smocks upon arriving at work
- Students above the age of 2 years are encouraged to wear masks
- Enhanced hand sanitation practices for students and staff
- Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces and toys throughout the day
- Deep cleaning and disinfecting every night
- Food will be separately packaged for each student
Facility and HVAC Enhancements:
- Per recommendations of HVAC Covid-19 response consultants, below upgrades are being performed across all sites to ensure the best air quality possible. These upgrades are:
- Cleaning and Disinfecting of HVAC units using fogging system
- MERV 11 filters as needed for the HVAC equipment
- Installing UV lighting as needed for the equipment
- Installing Ionization units as needed for the equipment
- Covid-19 related health and safety signage posted throughout facilities across all sites
- Social distancing signage posted in and outside all facilities
Enhanced Covid-19 related exclusion policy:
- Students/Staff must remain at home if any member of their household has (or has been in close contact with anyone who has):
- A suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 (for example – close contact at school, work, religious service, social gathering); or
- Traveled internationally or domestically from any area which is subject of travel restrictions under applicable state and local guidance
- 10 days after the last potential exposure, student/staff may return provided these three things have happened
- At least 10 days have passed since any household member first experienced symptoms; and
- Symptoms have improved for any household member that experienced symptoms (for example, cough or shortness of breath has improved); and
- The household has been fever-free for at least 72 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines.
- The household has tested negative for Covid-19
- Depending on the circumstances we may require families/staff to obtain medical clearance before return to the center will be allowed.
HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS: include individuals who may not live in the household, but may be staying there or are otherwise present in the household on a regular basis (e.g. nannies, caregivers, home health workers, contractors, etc.) and includes anyone with pick up or drop off privileges at the center.
CLOSE CONTACT: is defined by the CDC as (1) being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of a COVID-19 case for a prolonged period of time and can occur while caring for, living with, visiting, or sharing a health care waiting area or room with a COVID-19 case, or (2) having direct contact with infectious secretions of a COVID-19 case (e.g., being coughed on). Considerations when assessing close contact include the duration of exposure and the clinical symptoms of the person with COVID-19.
FOR MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS: If contact occurs while wearing recommended personal protective equipment or PPE (e.g., gowns, gloves, NIOSH-certified disposable N95 respirator, eye protection), that contact will NOT be considered close contact for purposes of this policy.
Health Check and Illness Policy:
Applies to staff, children and their household members, which states in part:
- All staff, families, children and their household members must conduct a daily health check before coming to the center. Health check is to ensure staff, families, children or any household members do not have any of the following symptoms. Families are required to complete an online Covid-19 health questionnaire before arrival to the center.
- Fever of 100.4 F or higher, now or in the preceding 72 hours (or would have, but have used fever reducing medicine)
- Cough
- Sore Throat
- Muscle Aches
- Difficulty Breathing
- New Loss of Taste or Smell
Closure of program related to Covid-19:
In the event there is a lab tested Covid-19 positive case in our community, below steps will be followed:
- The community member will be required to stay home and their classroom will be closed.
- All families in the classroom will be informed of the positive COVID-19 case.
- All facilities will be deep cleaned and disinfected.
- We will notify NYC Department of Health and NYC Department of Education (for preschool location) to initiate contact tracing efforts. We will also follow the Departments’ recommendations on how to respond, this will include one or more of the following:
- Closure of classroom with positive case for 14 days
- Closure of entire facility for 2-14 days
- Reopening will be pursuant to NYC Department of Health and NYC Department of Education recommendations.